Youth Snowmobile Racing
KC Pro West Rules
Required to Race
ISR Information
Please download the rules and read through the document.
At The Track
Important Times
- Little sled Driver and Parent meeting 9:30
- Hot Laps to follow
- Start racing at 10:00
- The top 3 snowmobiles in each class will require Tech after their finals or their spot will be forfeit
- Big sled Driver and Parent meeting to follow little sled finals
Normal Running Order
Running order
- Stock 120 Round 1
- B120 Round 1
- Stock 120 Round 2
- B120 Round 2
- Stock 120 Final
- Champ 120/Open 206
- 200 (10-14)
- 200 (6-9)
- Amateur 120
- 200 Outlaw
- Semi-Pro 206
- Pro 206
- 200 Stock C
- 200 Stock B
- 200 Girls B
- 200 Girls A
- Improved Stock
- 200 Stock A
- Above: Race round one in above order, followed by round two in above order, then Finals (Minus Stock 120 & B120 which are ran earlier in the day)
- Junior 8-10
- Junior 11-13
- Junior 14-17
- Junior C
- Junior B
- JuniorA
Above: Race heat one in above order, followed by heat race two in above order, then Finals
- Beginner 120
- Amateur Stock
- Stock 120
- Improved Stock
- Semi Pro 206
- Pro 206
- Open/Champ 206
- 200 Stock 6-9
- 200 Stock 10-14
- 200 Stock A
- 200 Stock B
- 200 Stock C
- 200 Girls A
- 200 Girls B
- 200 Outlaw
- Junior 8-10
- Junior 11-13
- Junior 14-17
- Junior C
- Junior B
- Junior A
KC Pro West Class Descriptions
The below classes have variations to equalize performance in competition for KC Pro West.
Age for 120’s: Any child between the ages of 4 and 14 as of December 1st is eligible to compete. (Example: If any racer turns 15 on October 1st he or she can no longer race.
Race Age = Age your racer currently is on December 1st is their race age for the season
****A, B or C Classes – You CAN NOT race down. For example, if you decide to move to “B”, you may not race down to C at any point. You can always move up but racing down is not allowed****
Beginner 120: Recommended for 1st year racers and children 4-5 years of age until they are 5 years old. Must race Beginner 120 only. There is a two year limit in this class. Governor must be installed.
Amateur Stock: Recommended for 1st or 2nd year racers and children until they are 6 years old. Class Advancement: Any racer that has placed 1st three (3) times must advance to the stock class. Racers in this class can run Amateur Stock, 120 Stock, 200 Amateur or 200 Girls Amateur. Rev Limiter must be installed, does not have to have the governor.
Stock 120: Recommended for racers 6-12 years old. May race Improved Stock, Semi-Pro, pro 206 or any 200 class but not Champ 120. Rev Limiter must be installed, does not have to have the governor.
Improved Stock: Recommended for racers age 6-12 years old. All first year racers must race at least one race in the stock class before moving to the Improved Stock class. Rev Limiter must be installed, does not have to have the governor.
Semi-Pro 206: Recommended for racers age 6-14 years old. Any racer that has placed 1st three (3) times or finished in the finals five (5) times and must be 7 years old, must advance to the pro 206 class
Pro 206: Recommended for racers ages 7-14 years old. (Must have one-year experience in Stock.) Drivers reaching 14 years of age during the season, may finish the season in that class.
Champ 120: Ages 7-14 and one-year experience in Improved Stock. May not race Stock class.
200 Stock 6-9: This class is for racers age 6-9 years old that race a 200cc snowmobile
200 Stock 10-14: This class is for racers age 10-14 years old that race a 200cc snowmobile.
200 Stock A: This 200cc class is for advanced riders. Can not race 200 stock B or C.
200 Stock B: This 200cc class is for moderately experienced riders. Points champion at the end of the season must move to 200 Stock A for next season. Can not race 200 stock A or C.
200 Stock C: This 200cc class is for beginner riders. Points champion at the end of the season must move to 200 Stock B for next season. Can not race 200 stock A or B.
200 Girls A: This 200cc class is specifically for advanced girl riders. Can not race 200 Girls B.
200 Girls B: This 200cc class is specifically for beginner girl riders. Points champion at the end of the season must move to 200 Girls A for next season.
200 Outlaw: This 200cc class consists of modified open motors. Recommended age 7-14.
Junior 8-10: This class is for racers age 8-10 years old. Valve Down.
Junior 11-13: This class is for racers age 11-13 years old. Valve Down
Junior 14-17: This class is for racers age 14-17 years old. Value Up
Junior A: This class is for advanced junior riders. Can not race Junior B or C.
Junior B: This class is for moderately experienced riders. Valves down. Points champion at the end of the season must move to Junior A for next season. Can not race Junior A or C.
Junior C: This class is for beginner riders. Valves down. Points champion at the end of the season must move to Junior B for next season. Can not race Junior A or B.
KC Pro West Specific Rules:
Semi-Pro gearing is now restricted, you must run a 3.0 on Arctic Cat and 2.88 on Polaris, but the combination MUST be 15/45 for Arctic Cat and 16/46 for Polaris. Also, you must run a green slide.
There can be NO ORANGE on the snowmobile. This includes decals, reflectors, seats, springs, numbers, etc. If it is orange it has to come off the sled or have tape placed over it. – This will be enforced, no exceptions.
B120, Amateur Stock, Stock, and Improved Stock rules:
Clutch may be replaced with aftermarket clutch of the same basic centrifugal design. Disc style drive clutches are not legal because they are not the same centrifugal design. (No variable ratio systems allowed.)
Stock drive clutch engagement must be maintained on B120, Amateur, and Stock. Improved stock the engagement may be changed. Brake band may be changed to fit clutch.
No belt drives allowed.
Chain guard must be in place.
Sprocket ratio changes may be made to: Polaris gearing 420 ratio which is Stock for the sled. All Cat, Yam and Ski doo allowed to run 410 gear ratios. This can be achieved with #35 chain or #40/420 chain, tooth count on sprockets must equal ratio required.
Chain tensioner may be replaced with commercially available aftermarket tensioner.
40 chain OR 35 may both be used, for clarification on 35 chain see ISR Rules
All classes except B120 require a working rev limiter
The B120 requires the original OEM governor to be intact, and functional. The motor is limited to 3850 rpm on a jack stand. The Race Tech’s Tachometer will be used to judge all B120s equally.
Race Day Procedures:
8:00am-9:00am: Secretary will available in KC Pro West Trailer to assist with equipment rental and race fee payments
9:30am: Mandatory Driver’s meeting (typically held at the start or finish line). Hot laps will follow the driver’s meeting
10:00am: Racing begins!
** Place have your racers in staging and ready for their racers on time**
There will be a race number sign near the KC Pro West Trailer which shows which race number is currently on the race track.
Running order and all lineups will be posted near staging at each race. Line up’s will also be sent out via the Remind App prior to the races beginning for the day.
Approximately 4-6pm – a banquet is usually held on Saturdays Only. Trophies will be handed out to all racers. More information regarding the race weekend banquet will be announced at the drivers meeting as far as time and location. On Sundays, racers may come to the KC Pro West Trailer to pick up their trophy at the end of the race day.
1. Every driver is to be prepared to race at the time of day they are scheduled. Refer to Race Board with lineups.
2. Please start to stage at least three (3) races before yours. We will allow 2 minutes for drivers to get to the line before we start a race.
3. On track: Have sled warmed up and track on the ground when it’s your turn to go out on the track. Drivers will be lined up according to the computer scoring system. Each heat should be lining up when the previous one is on the course.
5. You will line up in the order posted on the board for Rounds/Heats. Finals will be lined up by qualifying order and drivers will select their position based on qualifying order. The first place qualifier will line up, followed by 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and then the 6th qualifier etc.
Find the white board brought up by the stager and you will see what race you qualified for.
6. Drivers must have all safety equipment on and his/her face shield and/or goggles on.
7. Watch the flagman for the start of the race. Drivers nod head one time, this shows him that you are attentive to him.
8. During the race, respect the drivers around you. Hold your line until you are able to make a pass.
9. Watch the flagman for red and yellow flags and try avoiding any unsafe situations. Racers may not pass when a yellow flag is out. If the flagman or the lap counter, miscount the laps and the race goes an extra lap, the results will be taken from the end of the previous lap. If the race is flagged one lap to soon, there will be a staggered start from the last completed lap. Once the next race starts there will not be any restarts and all heats will be final. So if you see a problem, tell the race officials ASAP.
10. After the checkered flag, exit the track and get ready for your next race in the Staging area.
11. Finals will be lined up by qualifying order. Line placement will be selected by the racer, and they will have to select their lane immediately. The first place qualifier will line up, followed by 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and then the 6th qualifier etc. 12. Drivers causing red, yellow and black flags: If a racer causes the race to be stopped by reckless driving, a racer can be red flagged. If a racer receives two (2) red flags in one class, they will be disqualified for that class for the day. Red flags are at the discretion of the race officials, corner people and flagman. If there is a dispute, it should be taken up with the race officials and finalized before the start of the next (heat) race.
Everyone is trying to be first and mistakes will happen. Race Officials can tell if it is inexperienced racing or whether it is done intentional. Race officials will watch if there should be a problem, they will discuss it with the flagman.
KC Pro West, Inc., wants to keep this a safe sport for our children. These rules are enforced to keep all racers safe and to keep it a fair race. Our intention is to make this a fun and safe place for everyone to spend their weekend.
Keep in mind our race officials are human and mistakes do and will happen. We are trying our best and hope everyone is having fun.
General Competition and Safety Rules
1. In the event that a driver is off his/her sled after an accident involving two or more sled, the race will be red flagged.
2. Driver entry into an event is open to any qualified individual. The sanctioning body has the authority and responsibility to evaluate all drivers to determine their qualifications..
3. Both the owner and the driver are responsible to ensure that their snowmobile and driver safety equipment conform to all the rules for the class in which they have entered. The applicable rules are online in the rules section, ISR is our governing body and we follow the ISR rules linked on our website, and from time to time, in ISR bulletins. Any driver that does not meet the requirements listed will be subject to disqualification and forfeiture of any prizes and/or awards, plus eligibility for the next two (2) KC Pro West races and will lose all accumulated points.
4. Three (3) laps are recommended in heats and five (5) laps in the final heats.
5. Mandatory tech inspection of the top 3 place sleds in the final, and any other sleds that Race Director, and Head Race Tech request to tech.
6. The Race Director and/or Head Tech have the authority to determine structural integrity.
7. While driver is on the course, radio communication between driver and crew is not allowed.
8. If it isn’t stated in this section that it can be done, consider it cannot be done.
9. In the Stock Classes, if any engine modifications are found in the 120 class by the tech person, those parts or the motor may be confiscated by KC Pro West forever.
10. Lubrications for the track and suspension must be biodegradable and nontoxic.
11. For restarts, the racer first jumping the line will be put ½ of a sled length back in his/her original position. If the same racer jumps a second time, they will be put in the second row behind another competitor. No warnings will be given.
Mandatory Driver Safety Equipment *All Classes*
1. ISR approved upper body protection
2. Helmet (DOT approved) with goggles
3. Shin/Knee Guards (Can be worn under or on the outside of snow pants)
4. Above the ankle boots
5. Gloves
6. Mount Guard is highly recommended.
7. Battery operated taillights are required on sleds that do not have a factory taillight. They must be illuminated at all times when the sled is on the track, running or not.
8. Sleds can not have orange on them.
Warm Up Stands
Jack stands are required anytime you are running your snowmobile by trailers and staging area. You may not lift up a sled to warm up or clean out the motor. We do not want any flying debris to hit bystanders. The jack stand must be an actual jack stand with an enclosure and used at all times. (NO EXCEPTIONS!)
Tear Down
Tear down is at the discretion of the Officers, Technical Inspectors and Technical Assistants. Follow the rules and there will not be any problems. If your sled is torn down, both the parents and the tech person will be present. If the sled does not conform to the rules, you will be penalized as follows: the driver will forfeit the trophy for that race and will be suspended for two races. All accumulated points will be lost. The technical inspector may tear down any sled at any time to check for status verification. If you do not allow the sled to be inspected, the sled will be disqualified
To ensure that KC PRO WEST, INC., events are healthy and positive, this Code of Conduct sets forth conditions that parents and racers representing KC Pro West are expected to follow and promote. It is our intent to have KC Pro West represented in a positive manner with sportsmanship and fair play guiding all our racers on the track and in the pits. In the event that parents or racers cannot or will not uphold these conditions, those parents and racers could face suspension from KC Pro West racing events by the officers of this club. These conditions can be amended or modified by vote of the officers of KC Pro West.
1. Parents and racers will conduct themselves in a manner that represents good sportsmanship and fair pay
at all times. Fair play is defined as the following:
– Be acknowledgeable of ISR and KC Pro West rules and regulations, and follow them.
– Do not deliberately cut off (block) or run into other racers during practice/races.
– Promote good sportsmanship by both parents and racers.
2. Parents and racers must refrain from foul language at all times, while participating in a race or practice.
3. Parents and racers are responsible for displaying good sportsmanship in winning and losing.
4. Parents and racers will treat all equipment (theirs and ours) in the proper manner.
5. Parents and racers will not show or exhibit derogatory conduct toward any race officials before, during or after the races.
6. Parents will make sure all racers have proper safety equipment on machines and racers themselves.
7.No drug or alcohol use is allowed by any racers pit crew or, anyone attending KC Pro West events.
KC Pro West would like to thank all families in advance for helping make the Racing season another great success for the club and all the racers. Remember, PARENTS build the foundation for the success of our youth and it is the intention of KC Pro West is to remain a leader in youth racing.
Year End Points
You must be a KC Pro West member to accumulate points.
Point standings will be calculated as follows:
Final: 1st -16, 2nd -15, 3rd -14, 4th -13, 5th -12, 6th -11, 7th – 10, 8th – 9, 9th – 8, 10th – 7, 11th – 6, 12th – 5, 13th – 4, 12th – 3, 13th -2, 14th – 1,
You must attend three (3) KC Pro West point races to qualify for year-end trophies.
Two-day races that are held at the same location: each day will be counted as a separate race. Points will be calculated separately for each race day.
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